Verity Baptist Church Fresno
Fresno, California
The works of his hands are verity and judgment;
all his commandments are sure.
- Psalm 111:7
1703 Fulton Street
Fresno, CA 93721
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a. Jude Describes These Wicked People b. How Peter describes these wicked people a. All Children Are Naturally Not Well Behaved b. Parents Must Spend Time Training Their Children a. Spanking is the scriptural pattern for disciplining children b. A spanking should hurt not injure c. Parent that spanks their children truly loves their children 1. Parents Must Spend Quality Time With their Children 2. Parents Must Have Daily in Bible Time With Their Children 3. Parents Must Lovingly Discipline ("spank") Their Children 4. Parents Must Teach Their Children To Be Well Behaved 1. Churches Must Have a Facility for Mothers to Care for Young Children 2. Churches Must Not Look Down at Children in the Service Who Are Learning 3. Churches Must Encourage Families to Learn and Serve Together
What is a Family Integrated Church?
Click the video below to listen to a sermon which explains what we mean when we say Verity Baptist Church Fresno is a Family Integrated Church.
We have also posted an outline of the sermon:
1. A big part of modern day churches are children’s ministries
2. Are children’s ministries a Biblical ministry
3. Why do we have no children’s ministries at Verity Baptist Church Manila?
I. The Biblical Basis for Being A Family Integrated Church
A. The Family Integrated Church is Scriptural
1. First Example: Moses Gathering All the People
2. Second Example: Ezra Assembling All the People
3. Third Example: Joel Assembling All the People
4. Fourth Example: Jesus Allowing Children to Take Part in His Public Ministry
Note: At Verity Baptist Church we endeavor to pattern ourselves to the example set forth in scripture. When you remove all preconceived ideas or anything you may have seen in a modern day churches, and simply allow the Bible to show you how a church (i.e. gathering, congregation) meeting was held, it will become very apparent that the children were always part of the assembly. The children were not taken to another location to minimize distractions. Where do you see in scripture the modern day “Sunday school” or “Children’s Church”?
B. The Family Integrated Church is Safer
1. The Bible Warns Us Wicked People Creep Into Churches for Lustful Desires
2. Predators Come to A Church With the Intent to Defile Children
Note: You do not need to look very hard to find that children are being molested and attacked on a regular and frequent basis all across our nation’s churches. The reason for this is because “children’s ministries” lend themselves to allow a predator access to many children. We understand that most churches want and attempt to have the children in a safe environment, yet many perverts are still able to get to through the background checks and get access to these vulnerable children. At Verity Baptist Church we have drastically lowered the opportunity of a child being sexually attacked in one of our church functions because the entire congregation is kept together and children are always with their parents.
II. The Parents of a Family Integrated Church (What is expected of you)
A. Parents Need to Discipline Their Children
1. Children Can Be Taught To Obey, Listen and Be Still
Famous Quote: “We don’t get much from our children because we don’t expect much from our children”
2. Parents Must Learn to Biblically Discipline ("spank") Their Children
Note: We are not talking about beating a child in an abusive way although a spanking should hurt enough to deter them from doing wrong again. We are talking about lovingly correcting our children. Contrary to our societies philosophy the Bible is clear that a spanking is the most loving way to discipline your child.
B. Parents Need to Disciple Their Children
1. Children Can Learn the Bible With Adults; They Do Not Need it Dumbed Down
2. Children Should be Taught the Bible at Home by Their Parents
Note: It is not the job of the church to teach the Bible to children it is the job of the church to come along side the parents and help equip them as they disciple their own children
III. The Practice of a Family Integrated Church (How it All Works)
A. What must be done at home
B. What Must Be Done at Church
1. Modern day children’s ministries are not found in scripture
2. Modern day children’s ministries lend opportunities for predators
3. Modern day children’s ministries remove the responsibility from families to teach the Bible to their children